is a series of short form films produced by The Center for Cultural Power, written and directed by migrant storytellers who, in their own artistic expression and method of storytelling, aim to construct new narratives about who they are as migrants in today’s political and personal contexts. These shorts serve to showcase the imagination of the filmmakers as they focus on their craft to create bodies of work that move away from justifying who they are as migrants, and instead usher in a practice of storytelling that doesn’t seek to reform a broken immigration system, but unapologetically envisions a life beyond it.

Mejor ALLÁ

While visiting the Dominican Republic, Danyeli learns about the treacherous journey
that her parents underwent to find and giver her a better life.

a film by Danyeli Rodriguez Del Orbe


Sonia, a migrant living in Los Angeles, is confronted by her memories of Honduras around
every corner of her life, despite family and home country being thousands of miles away.

a film by Alejandra Quiroz


Santiago, a Mexican queer migrant who lives happily with his husband in San Francisco, receives
a message from an old flame who reveals that he has written to ask for forgiveness.

a film by Armando Ibañez


After becoming a first time homeowner, a young DACAmented woman named
Refugio navigates the complexities of the immigration system as she gets the opportunity to travel
back to her motherland.

a film by Dorian Gomez Pestaña


While visiting a tattoo shop, Sky, a young nonbinary Chinese-Canadian migrant in New York City, confronts a painful yet mystical secret they've suppressed since childhood.

a film by Jess X. Snow

Partners & SPONSORS